Castle Eaton Village Community Committee provide and co-ordinate social events within the village.
We are responsible for the provision and maintenance of the Children's playground
Events for 2024
The Village Community Committee is here to provide and co-ordinate social events within the village to provide and maintain the village playground. Funds earned from these events pay for any repairs to the equipment and annual insurance, and to accumulate funding for replacement of equipment of high cost when required.
We are particularly keen to encourage families within the village with children who use the playground and field to provide input to these events to keep the playground up and running.
Our Village Fete took place on Saturday 22nd June in the grounds of The Red Lion pub. Thanks to the work of all of the groups within Castle Eaton, an amazing raffle, a huge selection of fantastic cakes, a number of stalls, including the plant stall and bottle stall, PLUS the iconic Duck Race raised a magnificent sum of £1162.
As previously funds from the fete will be shared between the village groups who take part.
We also intend to go Carol “Singing” around the village on Monday 16th December 2024 to raise funds for a nominated charity, which this year will be Prospect Hospice.

Planned Events
AGM October 2024 (Postponed)
Carol Singing December 16th 2024
What's Next
Monday 16th December 2024 6pm
Carol Singing.
Meet at The Red Lion
Who are we?
Chair - Roland Green
Secretary - Vacant
Treasurer - Jonathan Smith
Committee Members -
Susan Peock
Louise Kennington,
Helen Clift
Dawn Saunders
Kate Slater
Morag Patrick
The Playground is Open
Please Help Keep the Playground and Play Equipment Safe
The Playground is NOT supervised, and equipment is NOT regularly cleaned.
No dogs, except for guide dogs, are allowed in the play area
No eating or drinking in the play area
Parents/Carers are responsible for their children at all times.
If you wish to clean your children's hands before and after use, and to wipe the equipment, please bring hand sanitiser or wipes.
Please take all of your waste home for safe disposal.